Yes. That's right. 1001 books.
We are, as a company, committing ourselves further. To not only bridge the diversity gap in children's literature, but to also bridge the accessibility gap. We've seen and heard first hand just how hard it is for children, educators, even non-profits to get access to high-quality diverse children's books.
And we're ready to change that.
That's why going forward, you'll see that with each new book we launch, I'm committing to also raise the funds to donate 1001 books to literacy and advocacy nonprofits that are working across the country to help children in need.
This effort is a BIG deal and in order to make our vision a reality, we need your help. With each pre-order campaign, you'll be offered to option to sponsor a copy of one of our books for just $10.
That's right. You can help us both bridge the diversity gap AND accessibility gap for just $10. Pretty cool right?
Our team is incredibly excited about this pilot program, the non-profit we'll be working with to help distribute these books but we need your help in order to make this happen.
So for now, set your alarms. Get yourselves ready, and help us bring to life.